Thursday, August 28, 2014

Impulse, Remorse, and Redemption

Once there was a baby carrot growing in a small, well-kept garden patch. Although  living underground in the dirt was quiet and warm, she was excited for the day she would be born. Because, you see, this little baby carrot who was so peacefully still at the moment had a secret. This baby carrot, whose little smile revealed a row of razor-sharp fangs, had grown with teeth.

The harvest time had soon come. The gardener was a kind old man, and was picking sweet carrots that morning to go into his wife's dinner salad. Up came one carrot, two carrots, three carrots, OW!! The gardener dropped the baby carrot, whose first impulse to being dragged out of the warm dirt was to bite the gardener's hand. The baby carrot fell into a pile of grass and weed clippings, next to a shiny blue beetle. 

The carrot immediately felt regret for what she had done. The beetle crawled close and smelled the carrot. "Well, now don't you look delicious!" The baby carrot with the row of sharp teeth frowned. "I'm a bad carrot." The beetle was just about to take a bite when the gardener reached through the clippings and squashed the beetle with a hand spade. "That must have been what bit me. Bugs have been getting all over my crops this year!" He picked up the carrot and said,"Now YOU don't belong down there! You're going to brighten up a salad for me and the Missus!" The baby carrot smiled with her row of fangs and felt a happy glow inside of her. She knew that she was where she belonged, teeth and all. 

The end.

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